26 April 2011

P.S. This was supposed to be set to a great John Lennon song covered by Regina Spektor, but the YouTube police didn't like it.  You can click here then start the video to get the general id...

Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 by Unknown


20 April 2011

I love it when a blog post writes itself... I think most of you reading this blog know that Ruth Ann is a kindergarten teacher.  As her belly is a bit harder to hide these days, she decided last week to tell her class that a baby was on the way.  And being the great teacher that she is, she used everybody's favorite (maybe?) word game,...

Posted on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 by Unknown


19 April 2011

Why yes, yes I am.   And so is Ruth Ann.  Our friends Charlotte and Quique discovered this event last year and after about .002 seconds after they told me about it, I was sold.  So last May we took a trip down to Mountain City, GA to participate in the Warrior Dash.   I can't recommend this event highly enough, but in this blog...

Posted on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Unknown


17 April 2011

Yes, you read that right.  I am the proud owner of an elusive Bag of Crap from Woot! For those in the know, I'm sure you can understand the excitement and sense of accomplishment actually landing one of these things provides.  Most of the time, you will get, well, crap (see below).  There are, however, the legends of amazing bags -...

Posted on Sunday, April 17, 2011 by Unknown

No comments

13 April 2011

No, not the movie (although it is fantastic). As of this post, Ruth Ann is just over 16 weeks along, showing a little bump, and enjoying some comfy maternity jeans (have you ever seen those things?!?).  Still no real sickness to speak of, and after that 12th week the zombie-style tiredness took a vacay.  The other night she had...

Posted on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 by Unknown


12 April 2011

Most everyone that knows me is aware of my massively eclectic music collection.  As a rule, unless it's "tear in my beer" country twang, there's a good chance I like it or at least appreciate it (yes, Lady Gaga, I'm talking to you). We just had a chance to see one of my favorite bands last weekend when the Avett Brothers came to Charlotte for a homecoming show.  These guys are from Concord and have started to make a bigger name for themselves over the last couple years.  Their music is hard to classify (punk bluegrass, maybe?) so...

Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 by Unknown


04 April 2011

I'm just gonna be honest here, I'm addicted to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.  Period. If we're friends on Facebook or if you're within my IM range, you've been subjected to my "why you should watch Late Night" campaign, and you've probably seen a fair share of brilliant clips from the show.  For those that haven't, this a media-heavy post...

Posted on Monday, April 04, 2011 by Unknown

1 comment

01 April 2011

Back in the winter when I started to grow my seasonal face insulation, Ruth Ann mentioned that she had never seen my chin.  She's right - in the time that we've known each other, I've always had some kind of scruff growing on my face.  We decided that when spring rolled around, it would be time for a clean shave. Inspired by Zach Galifianakis...

Posted on Friday, April 01, 2011 by Unknown