Sick, sick, sick.  As in, I'm sick, Ruth Ann is sick, and Avett is sick.  And we've BEEN sick.  For a while.  And I'm sick of it.  And tired too.  About a month ago, RA came home with some crud, about a week after that, I decided to try out said crud, then about a week after that, Avett was feeling left out and jumped onto the crud bandwagon too.

Now I do count us super lucky to have held out this long without Avett having much more than a sniffle.  When we took him in for his one year check-up, they noticed his white blood cell count was up.  Strange, but not terribly worrisome (they just want to check again), but that was a preview of his body amp'ing up to fight off the funk.  A couple days after the appointment (on a Friday, of course), he started to look/sound/feel crummy and ended up running one of those almost-high-enough-to-go-to-the-ER type of fevers.  Lovely.  A trip to the doc, some antibiotics and a couple days had him mostly back to his normal self.  Until a few days ago, when he started barking like a seal and running a fever again.  Another quick trip to the doc to learn that this may just need to run its course, unless it's croup, in which case we may end up in the ER for a breathing treatment.  That sounds delightful!

All the while, Ruth Ann is still fighting crud, and after a brief recovery, my 20 mile training run seemed to be an open invitation for the bug to take up residence again.  Lesson learned through this: families should have at least one healthy caregiver at all times.  We are all trying to mend - RA got meds and I'm working the neti pot like a bawse.  Avett's regularly getting saline up the nose (not his favorite thing) and hanging out with the frog humidifier at night.  Here's hoping that we're all really over the hump this time. This sick kid stuff is for the birds...